Power from the roof

At the beginning of September 2023, Frey & Frey commissioned the first photovoltaic system at its headquarters in Flamatt. The system on the flat roof of the logistics hall covers an area of over 3,000 square meters and consists of 1,200 solar panels.

With the solar plant, Frey & Frey can produce around 480,000 kilowatt hours of environmentally friendly solar power per year. This corresponds to the consumption of around 120 households. The expected electricity supply exceeds Frey & Frey’s own requirements by a factor of four. The additional electricity produced will flow into the grid of the Swiss energy supply company Groupe E.
With the entire photovoltaic system, CO2 emissions of around 330,000 kilograms per year can be avoided.

Space concepts rethought

“The office” has undergone incredible change in just a few short years, presenting employers with interesting prospects. In the process, several factors intertwine on multiple levels. Fortunately, synergistically – the modern work environment and interior design intertwine economic optimizations, technology...

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