Swiss cheese in Cologne

Switzerland Cheese Marketing AG


Taste experience in a class of its own

Swiss cheese is known worldwide for its quality, unique taste and diversity. At Anuga in Cologne, Switzerland Cheese Marketing offered an international trade audience the opportunity to experience this quality at first hand and to talk personally with representatives of the Swiss cheese trade and variety organizations.
The meeting zone for this was the Swiss Cheese Pavilion. With its well thought-out design, which emphasizes the tradition of cheese production, it created an atmosphere that transported visitors into the fascinating world of Swiss cheese. The cheese tasting allowed interested visitors from over 200 countries to explore a variety of flavors, while multimedia presentations imparted relevant knowledge. But above all at Anuga, the leading trade fair for food and beverages, the focus was on personal exchange and customer care. The integrated restaurant with cheese delicacies also provided the opportunity for this.

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